"The Rebirth of Venus", 65 x 70 x 116 cm, 2002
"The Rebirth of Venus", 65 x 70 x 116 cm, 2002
"The Rebirth of Venus" (detail), 65 x 70 x 116 cm, 2002
"A Living Being", 13x20x31 cm, Mixed media, 2013
"Cocoon", 40 x 47 x 110 cm, 2014
"Discovery", 23 x 20 x 20 cm, 2013
"Discovery", 23 x 20 x 20 cm, 2013
"The Question of the Sphynx", 20 x 35 x 15 cm, 2010
"An Inside Voyager", 25 x 62 x 23 cm, 2015
"Threefold", 17x37x37 cm, 2015
"Womanbeing", 20 x 25 x 37 cm, 2015
"Body and Soul", 20 x 20 x 25 cm, 2015
"Gaia's Diary", 30 x 43 x 43 cm, 2015
"Gülsevişme", 31 x 34 x 46 cm, 2015
"Virginia's Poles", 33x32x26 cm, 2015
"Melekçöpçü" (detail), 42x55x96 cm, Mermerit, 2015
"Bride", 70 x 80 x 94 cm, 2015
"Woman Smiling Mona Lisa" (detail), 40x64x86 cm, Mermerit, 2015
"Woman Smiling Mona Lisa" (detail), 40x64x86 cm, Mermerit, 2015